HMD904 Magnetic Drill
The mag drill of choice for fabrication. Lightweight, compact, powerful,
& versatile.
- Large 1-1/2" x 2" capacity
- Increased safety with less maintenance
- Two stage magnet - 30% power increase when motor is turned on
- Slot Drive arbor for more accuracy and quicker change out of accessories
- Many accessories are available for a portable machine shop including: drill chucks, tapping, countersink, and more...
- Feed handles quickly change from side to side
- Lift detector safety system
- Gravity feed coolant system (HMD904 w/ coolant bottle)
- Carrying case included (09202)
Swivel Base adds even greater versatility
- Precisely line up your pilot with the holes center location
- One stroke lock and unlock handle
- Great for horizontal, overhead, tight areas, and getting out over another piece of steel.